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The changing seasons and their impact on people’s wellbeing

In the world where everything is changing at a fast rate, seasons affecting the farmer’s life style and hunger striking places it has never stricken before, where are men going to get help from!!

I’ve never seen a time or season where people never went to gardens to plant, weed, or harvest depending on the season but this year has been different, those that planted completely harvested nothing, how would the crops grow even when the weeds themselves failed because of the sun?! The bananas that men previously depended on because the gardens would never lack it, is now history since you can move a distance only watching drying banana plants with no sign of a banana coming out.

We’ve witnessed men starve, lack meals for not just a day and the situation is worsening as the prices of commodities, food and every life necessity go higher. At the Joy for humanity health center, there is a high increase in the number of children that come to the facility with ulcers, one of these was asked if he had breakfast, he said he hadn’t eaten anything since lunch the day before because they dint have anything to eat at home.

We were also blown up by one of the community members who sent a letter to us requesting for at least a kilo gram of posho and beans for the children to have something to eat since they had taken days without food. All this is happening in various communities I believe, but many are being left out and focus is put on particular communities.

As Joy For Humanity, the wellbeing of our community members is our concern and we therefore welcome everybody on board, stakeholders, media, well wishers and friends to join us make a difference in Lwengo district as we provide food to these families and put a smile on their faces once again.

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