As a result of fundraising for the last 2 years. In 2021, we are happy to say we are now in a financial position to be able to start work on our brand new health Centre. This has been a dream of ours since our creation.
The aim of this health centre is that it will be financially self-sufficient. Those who are able to pay for health care will pay. Those who are unable to pay will receive the same high quality care free of charge.
The Health Centre will be staffed by Ugandan Medical Staff. This will ensure trust as well as no language barriers.
At the moment, one in eight children in Lwengo District will not celebrate their fifth birthday. Imagine if that was the case in the UK – three children out of every nursery class wouldn’t reach reception.
- Six medical doctors serve a population of 270,000 people. In Hackney, UK, 150+ doctors serve a similar number.
- The Uganda government health budget for Lwengo is £800,000 which is £3 per person. Just one GP practice in Hackney that serves 7,000 people has a budget of £1,000,000 which is £143 per person.
- There’s less than the equivalent of one dentist for the whole district, private or government.
- Lwengo has no proper operational maternity delivery suite, and there are five maternal deaths for every 1,000 births in the District.
- The life expectancy at birth for men in Lwengo is 53.2 years and for women it is 63.9 years.
- When we last visited, the local community health centre did not have a blood pressure machine. (we have helped to rectify that)
There is no free at point-of-use health service in Lwengo, and many people struggle to afford health care. However, the reality is to keep the centre open and running long-term, it can’t be simply free.
To make the centre both sustainable and affordable we will:
- Offer a great service which attracts those who can pay the full amount
- Provide different payment methods which people on lower incomes will be able to afford (described below)
- Never turn away those who truly can’t pay if their condition threatens their life or their employment. (even via the methods described below)
We believe it will take 12 months to a break even and reach a sustainable model. We have raised funds to build the premises (at current budget figures) and are looking to receive equipment donations or raise funds for equipment and to cover the running costs for the first 12 months.
We are supporting the economic growth of the area through READ
Families in the community will be encouraged to pay a monthly membership fee. The basic level of membership will give the
following benefits:
- All membership contributions will count towards covering the cost of future services they use
- Discount on health services
- Twice yearly home visits
- Guaranteed credit facilities
(detailed terms and conditions to be put together)
Please donate to help us provide xero interest credit facilities.
Loans for treatment
If a person can’t afford the services they need, a credit facility will be offered to them. The level of credit will be according to ability to pay. This will be ascertained by talking to the village chiefs and through discussion with them and their relatives.
Please donate to help us provide xero interest credit facilities
This will be available to those who really cannot afford even a loan when they have life threatening and employment threatening conditions. The bursary will be covered by fundraising in the UK.
Please donate so that we have funds available to provide these donations.
Every person attending the centre will receive the same level of health care irrespective of their ability to pay.
General Medical Services and Outpatients. This will include a daily outpatient service run by a team of nurses. Initially they will be supported by visiting doctors and specialists, plus a virtual doctor support service from the UK. Small wards will be available for those that need inpatient support.
Please help us equip the nurses rooms. – donate.
Sponsor a nurses salary for 12 months – 2 needed.
Sponsor an administrator for 12 months – 1 needed
Inpatient wards
Wards exist in some of the small local health facilities within Lwengo but these are unstaffed. We will be building comfortable staff quarters to ensure we can staff the wards and provide some inpatient support. Three wards for men, women and children.
Please help us equip the wards. Go to equipment list.
Please help us staff the wards for 12 months
Maternity Ward
There is no functioning delivery suite in the District of Lwengo. We hope to provide a fully functioning maternity suite and ward.
Please help us equip the ward – see list.
Dental Suite
There’s no comprehensive dental service available in Lwengo. To begin with we will employ one full-time dentist, but the dental room will be built to accommodate two dentists. Initially, the general nurses will support with routine dental services.
Currently there is no lab in Lwengo District – which means medical tests either don’t take place or are sent out of the area.
Our laboratory will serve the patients of the Joy for Humanity health centre as well as other small health clinics in the District.
Please donate for the equipment in the laboratory
Please sponsor lab technicians for 12 months.
Community Health and Education
Community village nurses will visit homes and pro-actively identify health needs.
Currently, many people don’t use medical services because they fear the cost. The community nurse will work with them to use payment schemes and break down the barriers
Please sponsor 2 community nurses for 12 months
Occasional Surgery Clinics
We will make part of the space usable as a temporary operating theatre for visiting specialists.
Please donate for equipping the operating theatre
The clinical environment
We want the Joy For Humanity Health Centre to be welcoming and create a peaceful and quality presence. To this end we will want to create beautiful gardens surrounding the premises from the start with good maintenance of the building
Donate for equipping the garden with beautiful plants and seats.
Sponsor a maintenance person for 12 months
Sponsor a gardener for 12 months.